User Guide


psd2pngs converts a psd file to png files while maintaining the layer hierarchy and performing the appropriate renaming, using multiprocessing. An onefile executable(.exe) file psd2pngs.exe is also available.


Screenshot GIF

Note that this GIF is in fast forward.


Using as an app

  • Just open .psd file with this app. (Executable version only.)

  • Alternatively, this app can also be used with command prompt.

> psd2pngs -h
Usage: psd2pngs [OPTIONS] PSD_PATH

  -v, --version              Show the version and exit.
  -o, --out PATH             Output directory path. If not specified, output
                             to the same directory as the PSD file.
  -s, --single-process       Force not to use multiprocessing.
  -t, --tasks-count INTEGER  Number of tasks. Recommended to be less than or
                             equal to the number of CPUs (32) because the   
                             process maximizes the use of CPUs.
  -j, --json                 Output JSON file containing layer information in
                             snake case.
  -jc, --json-camel-case     Output JSON file containing layer information in
                             camel case.
  -h, -?, --help             Show this message and exit.

The type of content of Output JSON file (snake_case) is the following.

class LayerInfo(NamedTuple):
    local_path: str
    name: str
    safe_name: str
    is_visible: bool
    is_group: bool
    children: "Iterable[LayerInfo]"

The type of content of Output JSON file (camelCase) is the following.

class LayerInfo(NamedTuple):
    localPath: str
    name: str
    safeName: str
    isVisible: bool
    isGroup: bool
    children: "Iterable[LayerInfo]"

Using as a module

See the documentation (


Option 1. Executable version

Download the latest release from Releases.

Option 2. Python version using pip install

py -m venv venv
pip install git+
psd2pngs from.psd

Option 3. Python version using git clone

git clone
cd ./psd2pngs
py -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m psd2pngs from.psd

Option 4. Executable version - Compiling yourself using pip

py -m venv venv
pip install git+
pip install pyinstaller
pyinstaller venv/Lib/site-packages/psd2pngs/ --onefile -n psd2pngs
move "./dist/psd2pngs.exe" "./"
./psd2pngs from.psd

Option 5. Executable version - Compiling yourself using git

git clone
cd ./psd2pngs
py -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install pyinstaller
pyinstaller psd2pngs/ --onefile -n psd2pngs
move "./dist/psd2pngs.exe" "./"
./psd2pngs from.psd